Basestation Christmas Appeal - Under the Stars

Over the last few years Basestation has asked its residents to contribute non-perishable goods, toiletries and monetary donations to Under the Stars - a local charitable organisation that works alongside Tauranga’s homeless and in need.

Powered by Impact

As part of Basestation’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) we sponsor or offer in-kind support to initiatives, events or groups that align with our kaupapa. One of these is Powered by Impact - a podcast series set up by one of our residents, Bryar Stewart from The Icehouse. Powered by Impact is Bryar’s side hustle and passion, we wrote a blog about her drive to get the podcast up and running earlier this year as part of our International Women’s Day series.

International Coworking Day 2024

Friday 9th August was International Coworking Day, celebrating the impact of the coworking movement! Being a coworking space - it’s pretty special! To celebrate we gave mini tours of our space AND FREE COFFEE from Folk Coffee Roasters

World Wide Web Day

1st August is World Wide Web Day, the day is observed to commemorate the World Wide Web (www) and its impact on the world. As one of our meeting rooms is named after Sir Tim Berners-Lee (the founder of the web), it felt fitting that we should honor the day with a blog about him and the massive impact the creation of the World Wide Web has had!

Charities at Basestation - Stand Tall

The 5th September is International Day of Charities!

We thought this would be a great excuse to share a bit about one of the charities at Basestation - Stand Tall. Founded by Pascale Hyboud-Peron (also one of the co-founders of Basestation) - Stand Tall works alongside rangatahi to grow and develop their entrepreneur skills and mindset. One of the many programmes Stand Tall delivers in the Bay of Plenty is, the Young Enterprise Scheme (YES)

National Coding Week - and a good excuse for us to talk about Grace Hopper, the namesake of one of our meeting rooms

Monday 16th September marks the start of National Coding Week. Now in its 11th year, this week sets out to inspire individuals of all ages to learn and embrace coding skills.

The importance of coding skills in today’s digital age can not be overstated. Whether it’s developing apps, designing websites, analysing data or automating tasks, coding is at the heart of many technological innovations. 

It is also the perfect opportunity to talk about Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, one of the namesakes of our meeting rooms. Hopper was a pioneer of computer programming, she saw the opportunity and importance to make programming accessible to all and advocated for coding languages to be created in ‘English’. 


Māori Language Week

To end Māori language week, we wanted to share a blog which captures a kōrero we had with three people who have connections with Basestation. We wanted a variety of perspectives, lived experiences and their relationship to Aoteraoa and te reo Māori. We spoke to:

  • Manaia - a young wāhine in her twenties, born and raised in the Tauranga, Manaia whakapapa on her paternal side to Te Atihaunui a Pāpārangi. We talked to Manaia about her mahi with Stand Tall and the Young Enterprise Scheme in a previous blog which you can read here.  
  • Erin - also born and raised in Tauranga, Erin is pakeha with European ancestry. She has three adult daughters and works at Bike Stop which is a partnership with Basestation and Tauranga City Council. You can also read a blog we did with Erin when she was the Community Assistant at Basestation here
  • Pascale - is one of the four co-founders of Basestation, Pascale migrated to Aotearoa from Europe in her 20’s. She is the founder and Stand Tall, you can read more about Pascale and her mahi in a blog we wrote for International Women’s Day here.

Not sure if coworking is for you?

Each month we host an open day for everyone to experience coworking.
Get in touch with our team to find out when the next open day is or book a free tour of our space.