Combatting some of the challenges of remote working

To begin with, working from home seemed like an amazing opportunity with many positives!

International Coworking Day 2024

Friday 9th August was International Coworking Day, celebrating the impact of the coworking movement! Being a coworking space - it’s pretty special! To celebrate we gave mini tours of our space AND FREE COFFEE from Folk Coffee Roasters

World Wide Web Day

1st August is World Wide Web Day, the day is observed to commemorate the World Wide Web (www) and its impact on the world. As one of our meeting rooms is named after Sir Tim Berners-Lee (the founder of the web), it felt fitting that we should honor the day with a blog about him and the massive impact the creation of the World Wide Web has had!

National Coding Week - and a good excuse for us to talk about Grace Hopper, the namesake of one of our meeting rooms

Monday 16th September marks the start of National Coding Week. Now in its 11th year, this week sets out to inspire individuals of all ages to learn and embrace coding skills.

The importance of coding skills in today’s digital age can not be overstated. Whether it’s developing apps, designing websites, analysing data or automating tasks, coding is at the heart of many technological innovations. 

It is also the perfect opportunity to talk about Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, one of the namesakes of our meeting rooms. Hopper was a pioneer of computer programming, she saw the opportunity and importance to make programming accessible to all and advocated for coding languages to be created in ‘English’. 


Connection and Kai at Basestation

Part of the human condition is to be social and find connection and belonging. 

With remote working on the rise, more people are looking to join a coworking space so they can connect with others on a regular basis rather than just working from home. 

At Basestation we understand the importance of connection and belonging, so we host regular events and opportunities for our residents to connect, network and create belonging together. Here are just some of the events, initiatives and opportunities we've hosted or got behind in the last 6 months!

Not sure if coworking is for you?

Each month we host an open day for everyone to experience coworking.
Get in touch with our team to find out when the next open day is or book a free tour of our space.