International Women's Day: Kōrero with Bryar Stewart from Powered by Impact

This year for International Women’s Day we are sitting down with some wāhine founders at  Basestation to kōrero about their journey and learnings in setting up and running their own organisation.

For this blog we’ve captured a conversation with Bryar Stewart, founder and host of Powered by Impact. A platform and podcast that has grown into a community and content studio supporting business growth by raising the profile of their impact.

Small Business Day: Kōrero with Andrew Mahon from MOCA

Small Business Day 9th April is about celebrating, supporting and championing the heart and soul of kiwi communities - small businesses. 

At Basestation we have a lot of small businesses based here in our coworking space. 

We sat down with two residents who own a small business, we asked what they do, how coworking helps them to do this, and what it means to own a small business. 

Below is the kōrero we had with Andrew Mahon, Director and Owner of MOCA. MOCA is a web development company based in Tauranga and employs seven staff and two contractors (all New Zealand based).

International residents - Charolotte Grosjean

We are fortunate that Basestation attracts a number of people who are from overseas. This contributes to the diverse and inclusive culture we seek to foster in our coworking space. With Bastille Day (Fête nationale française if you are French!) coming up on Sunday 14th July, we thought it would be a good excuse to kōrero with one of our French residents. 

Meet Charlotte Grosjean from Bark Limited, she has a permanent desk at Basestation and has been with us since January 2023. She started off in a single office on our first floor but after a few months moved down to our ground floor to join the open plan hot desk space. 


Powered by Impact

As part of Basestation’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) we sponsor or offer in-kind support to initiatives, events or groups that align with our kaupapa. One of these is Powered by Impact - a podcast series set up by one of our residents, Bryar Stewart from The Icehouse. Powered by Impact is Bryar’s side hustle and passion, we wrote a blog about her drive to get the podcast up and running earlier this year as part of our International Women’s Day series.

International Coworking Day 2024

Friday 9th August was International Coworking Day, celebrating the impact of the coworking movement! Being a coworking space - it’s pretty special! To celebrate we gave mini tours of our space AND FREE COFFEE from Folk Coffee Roasters

Charities at Basestation - Stand Tall

The 5th September is International Day of Charities!

We thought this would be a great excuse to share a bit about one of the charities at Basestation - Stand Tall. Founded by Pascale Hyboud-Peron (also one of the co-founders of Basestation) - Stand Tall works alongside rangatahi to grow and develop their entrepreneur skills and mindset. One of the many programmes Stand Tall delivers in the Bay of Plenty is, the Young Enterprise Scheme (YES)

Not sure if coworking is for you?

Each month we host an open day for everyone to experience coworking.
Get in touch with our team to find out when the next open day is or book a free tour of our space.