Pride Month: How to create a coworking space that’s LGBTQ+ safe and welcoming

As it’s Pride Month, it seemed like a good time to share how we aim to create a safe and welcoming space at Basestation for all our residents. We have recently joined the Safe Space Alliance and they provide a helpful range of resources for companies to use.

Pride Month: Alan Turing (and namesake of one of our meeting rooms)

All our meeting rooms at Basestation are named after people who have made a huge contribution to the advances in technology.

Our first floor meeting room, which can accommodate up to 8 people, is named after Alan Turing, an English mathematician and computer scientist.

As it’s Pride Month, we figured now would be a good time to write a short blog about Turing’s contribution to the computer age and also understand the challenges he faced in his personal life.

The Future of Work - and how the coworking movement fits in!

In a recent white paper published by the World Economic Forum looking at the Rise of Global Digital Jobs, it mentions three main factors that are most likely to transform business and the way we work in the next five years:

Connection and Kai at Basestation

Part of the human condition is to be social and find connection and belonging. 

With remote working on the rise, more people are looking to join a coworking space so they can connect with others on a regular basis rather than just working from home. 

At Basestation we understand the importance of connection and belonging, so we host regular events and opportunities for our residents to connect, network and create belonging together. Here are just some of the events, initiatives and opportunities we've hosted or got behind in the last 6 months!

Not sure if coworking is for you?

Each month we host an open day for everyone to experience coworking.
Get in touch with our team to find out when the next open day is or book a free tour of our space.